NUFC 2010/11 Player of the year

Friday, February 18, 2011

No "Jose" No

Depending how much you believe the Daily Mail(not much), they have been speculating recently on the future of one of the shinning stars of the Newcastle squad this season.

(Jose Enrique)

There are reports today that he has reveled that he would be up for leaving the tyneside club in order to persue trophies elsewere.
We of course hope this is not true, Jose has been an absolute hero for Newcastle this season ans we would be devestated to loose him.

It may be the case though that this is just the player using his importance to give the owner a bit of a push into splashinf the cash this summer, as is the case we hope with Joey Barton, who has put off signing his new contract untill he is certain the team is invested in....

So the message is, SPLASH THE CASH ASHLEY, or you just might loose your prized assets.....

What do you think....

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